If you are a user or a developer you need at least the following basic Requirements for using JUnitRecorder.
The projects is build with
. Download Maven 2 from:
(For this Tutorial "apache-maven-2.0.9-bin.zip" was
After extracting Maven you need to setup your
environment. Basically two environment variables had
to be set: JAVA_HOME and PATH.
JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_07\bin
PATH=C:\Program Files\apache-maven-2.0.9\bin
Open "System Properties\Advanced\Environment
Variables" from the Control Panel and add the two
variables. In case of the PATH, if there is allready
one specified, just append the Maven path and use a
semicolon ";" as delimiter.
Subversion is used for version control. Download the binaries, extract or install them. (For this tutorial svn-win32-1.5.0.zip was used)
Same as with Maven you need to add the bin folder you just extracted to your system search path. The PATH variable should now look like:
PATH=C:\Program Files\svn-win32-1.5.0\bin;C:\Program Files\apache-maven-2.0.9\bin
Eclipse is recommend as development environment. If you want do develop, you need eclipse because there is a dependency to the EMF Project . As normal user you are also free to use other IDEs. (This tutorial is using "Eclipse Classic" 3.4)
After downloading the Eclipse, extract the archive
and run the "eclipse.exe". Choose a location as
workspace folder:
This new Eclipse workspace must now be setup to work
with Maven. For this goto "Windows\Preferences"
"Java\Build Path\Classpath Variables\New":
Create a Classpath Variable "M2_REPO". As folder choose the Maven repository folder. By default this is: "%USER_PROFILES%\%USER%\.m2\repository". For e.g. "E:\users\Rainer\.m2\repository"
For easier control of the AsepctJ code, it is recommend to also install the AJDT (AspectJ Development Tools) for Eclipse. Eclipse 3.3 AJDT is included in the Europa Discovery site (category: Java Development), for 3.4 there is currently only a development Snapshot you can get from the update-site:
In Eclipse 3.3 and 3.4 you can Install such plugins via the menu "Help\Software Updates".
For the Repository you need a installed MySQL Database. The Core parts use Hibernate to abstract the Database / Repository, therefore theoretically there are other Databases supported as well, but at the moment only MySql was used and therefore we recommend it.
You can also use the Portable version of XAMPP which also contains MySQL and can be executed without a install.
In further tutorials we will just use the default settings for the repositories therefore you need also to create a database "sbtestrecorder" in MySql. Tables and stuff will be automatically created by the used hibernate.