After setting up your Environment with the Requirements you can checkout all modules for the project:
svn co junit-parameterized-test svn co sb-junitrecorder-addons svn co sb-junitrecorder-core svn co sb-junitrecorder-exampleusage svn co sb-junitrecorder-flatmaster
The disadvantage of the repository layout with trunks per module, is the need for n-separate checkouts. If this is you initial checkout, then you can also use the following commandline (Windows only, svn and mvn must be in your search path!):
svn export && svn_initial_co.cmd
Just execute this command inside a folder. The commandline checksout a script which then checksout all modules in corresponding subdirectories. After the complete checkout maven is called to generate the Eclipse project artifacts. This means after the command you can easily import the Modules into Eclipse.
For this tutorial "S:\workspaces\JUnitRecorder" was used as workspace. Now start Eclipse.
If the checkout script was used to retrive the modules, you can directly import the modules as Eclipse projects. If not, you have to manually generate the Eclipse ".project" file inside each module:
mvn eclipse:eclipse
Now you can use the Eclipse menu "File\Import"
"General\Existing Projects into Workspace":